This boxing platform uses rhythm tech, like Dance Dance Revolution, to make workouts more challenging! - Launch Hunt

Monday, February 1, 2021

This boxing platform uses rhythm tech, like Dance Dance Revolution, to make workouts more challenging!

I’ve never enjoyed lifting weights – more dynamic sports like boxing and rowing have been my go-to fitness regimens through the years. But since quarantine ordered us into self-isolation, my workouts have consisted of a lot of running, running, and more running. I know I’m not the only one getting a little bored – I miss pounding sandbags and the trainers who’d scream boxing combos in my face. While I can’t wait for the day that in-person training sessions rev up again, new fitness designs like Liteboxer, a guided boxing platform, offer solutions that make sparring in the ring possible for home workouts.

Liteboxer is the only connected fitness platform currently on the market today that offers full-body boxing workouts equipped with Rhythm Technology and expert training. It’s like Dance Dance Revolution but for your fists. Built and shaped like a traditional treadmill, Liteboxer works once users stand atop the base platform, adjust the punch pad’s height as needed, and connect their personal smartphone or tablet devices to the built-in tablet shelf for engaging expert training. Opting for a more physically digital experience, Liteboxer’s instruction primarily takes place on the punch pad so you won’t spend your workouts looking at yet another screen.

Once users have connected their tablets to Liteboxer, music, also called ‘Punch Tracks,’ can be played so that boxers can punch in time with predetermined songs – this is where the patented Rhythm Technology steps in. Through the use of Rhythm Technology, Liteboxer syncs its software and larger systems with the given beat of a song. As the music plays for users, the punch pad’s force sensors light up with LED runway lights to indicate a given boxing combo. As users punch Liteboxer’s force sensors and work up a sweat, professional trainers offer tips and coaching through the user’s attached smartphone or tablet, which can either be connected to external speakers or Bluetooth.

Liteboxer was first thought of by Todd Dagres after returning home from the boxing ring only to feel slightly less enthused over his stationary sandbag compared to his time spent sparring with his friends. Liteboxer has been regularly compared to the ever-popular Peloton, that smart home-gym system that replaces physical training with a more digital experience, as well as Dance Dance Revolution, that old dancing video game that Lindsay Lohan crushed in 2004. While both seem to be reasonable comparisons, Liteboxer boasts the best from both, making for a first-of-its-kind boxing experience for your home gym.

Designer: Liteboxer

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