From experimental to inventive, these animal-inspired products are design inspiration at its best! - Launch Hunt

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

From experimental to inventive, these animal-inspired products are design inspiration at its best!

“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you,” said Frank Lloyd Wright. Being acquainted with his work in organic architecture, we know the man meant business! The same business designer Andrew Tiah explored and captured in these unique product designs – from a tiny lady bug to a grizzly bear, each of his creation will instantly remind you of their origin, compounding the bond between products and their owners with ease!

A Lady Bug is the inspiration behind this strikingly cool hairdryer. To differentiate from the usual norm of hairdryers available in the market, this dryer uses touch to simplify controls in place of buttons. The OLED screen allows users to precisely set the temperature and even save their presets! To reinforce the ladybug aesthetics, the fan of the dryer resembles their wings while the overall form gives a fun and playful approach to this design.

Earbuds may be minimal but these flamingo-inspired buds are designed to demand attention! The buds feature an organic, waterproof design with two tactile buttons providing volume controls and a touch bar is used for pausing and interacting with the design. The main attraction of this design lies in paying homage to the vibrancy found in nature and to help you replicate it in style!

A shark is ferocious enough, a shark-inspired jet bike is sure to turn heads wherever it roams. Edgy and angular, the bike creates a sleek seat that cradles the rider while a microturbine rotates powerfully and speeds you through the water. And you can’t have shark without discussing Jaws – the fins of the shark inspires the angeled form of the bike, to help you ergonomically slice through the water with ease.

Meet the modern-day dragon, the Arowana is a streamlined, sleek fish with its scales like an armour plating. The shoe inspired by the fish features a waterproof, scale-like upper and a gel outsole. The brilliant colours of the fish make this sneaker design a complete attention seeker!

Speaking of ferocious creatures, the Jurassic Park series has played their part in making velociraptors everyone’s favorite yet feared dinos – remember the evil villain’s plan to use raptors in a war? So designer Andrew decided to take that as an inspiration and bring it to life on our everyday battlefront – the desktop. This Velociraptor inspired mouse takes the sharp lines and the hits of color to convey the emotion and characteristics of the animal. The LED light bar provides the user with notifications updates and acts as a digital slider for adjusting volume, playback, etc. A cool Easter egg is Andrew’s plan of packaging the mouse in an acrylic dino egg!

Meet RAVEN, inspired by the raven – an emergency poncho that keeps you warm, repels water along with a mask to keep your mouth and nose covered. Dementor-inspired looks for free!

Bare Sounds (love the punny name) is equally rugged yet adorable as a real grizzly bear! Designed for the outdoors person, this Bluetooth speaker uses a brushed aluminum to provide contrast to the bear’s original brown. As a cute bonus, the ears of the speaker double up as lanyard ears to help you carry it around while camping!

This Galapagos Turtle inspired chair is my comfy spot to keep me cushy yet productive during work from home! Named the Conform Turtle Chair, the chair is made from green felt and features a stainless swivel base. The ribbed back of the cushions keeps your back supported while the chair’s arms help you nestle into the chair with ease!

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